Journals of Jo

Journals of Jo

Friday, September 30, 2016

We Lose!

   The late 1990's movie, Primary Colors, was supposed to be a fictional portrayal of the presidential campaign of the Clintons. Kathy Bates played an excellent role of a loyal friend that was hired to investigate allegations that could be used against the presidential candidate. After some very disturbing revelations to her and the realization of how deeply flawed the characters of her previously admired friends were, she committed suicide. In the movie, at her funeral, the candidate tearfully admitted that Bate's character (Libby) had sent him a note before her death..."I am so f--king disappointed in you. Shape up!"
   I think that says it pretty well. That is precisely how I feel.  I'm so disappointed and my heart hurts at the choices, we Americans have come down to, to be the leader of our beautiful country. In a country of  over 3 million, in a campaign where we were offered options of many qualified citizens who were honorable, we will either have the despicable or the more despicable as our president.   Who ever wins this election, we lose.
   You can try to deceive yourself by saying...well, politics is dirty and governments are soaked with greed and corruption.  These things are true, even in a democratic and free society.  America has allowed these truths to become so prevalent that we are in extreme danger of losing every basic principle of good that made us a great country.
   Just because Hillary Clinton has very well learned the smooth speech of politics does not excuse her lies, unethical and perhaps illegal and self serving behavior while in the supposed service of her country.  And just because Donald Trump has never been in public service does not make him a better choice and excuse his arrogance, extremely crude crassness, his ruthlessness and unethical methods.  Character is of the heart and actions, words mean nothing. Both of these prospective candidates lie, cheat, cover their own asses and brag about what they have or will do for if the truth of their former actions means nothing. 

   They are, in reality, the true representation of the United States government because it has become such a stinking cesspool of corruption that does not in any way represent the best interests of we the people. Until Americans quit voting for politicians based on their celebrity and the fact that they  promise or claim to believe in one thing that benefits our spoiled self interests...until we start demanding that our public servants have character, integrity and a love for this country...we are going to continue to swirl down the toilet. 
   We, the citizens of the United States of America, have lost already. We are about to elect and present to the whole world as our President, one of the two most disgusting examples of Americans that I can think of. The day that Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump takes the oath of office in Washington D.C. is the day we lose the last semblance of greatness that we have.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Just Shut Up

Contrary to what has been said, growing older doesn't always make you wiser.  Actually, aging makes you think you know everything with absolute certainty.  And yet, ironically, you realize you know practically nothing.  Real dilemma, huh?
One thing that I've learned and haven't enjoyed the lesson one bit is that often you JUST NEED TO SHUT UP.  Now, the hubby---he not only didn't enjoy the lesson, he flat hasn't learned it. You know, kind of like a bad perm (for those of you who remember or have had any experience with such).  You sit through endless minutes of stinky solutions and tight wound curls and wet mess. It's finally over, the curlers all removed and Crap! hair is still straight. It just didn't take.  Like that, with the old guy, some lessons just don't take.
I wish that I could climb up on my beautiful high horse and say, "I've learned that lesson well."  That wouldn't be totally true.  I have a mouth which can be far ahead of my sensible brain. Opinions, even strong ones are allowable. Not yours alone, unfortunately. When you take your opinions and beliefs and try to beat others to death with them, they seem to lose their value.
It's not easy to keep your mouth shut, sometimes. Not easy to think before you let things come spilling out.  Like when your grown children, family or friends you love are not living their lives like you think is right---you have a right to an opinion but it's not your life, it's theirs. Think about it, if you're so smart, why aren't they doing things your way?
No question, in this country of lying dirty politics, entitled victims and disrespectful privileged citizens, there are some real wrongs that need to be righted.  I think we do need to speak up and speak out. Our right to an opinion doesn't mean the right to bore the pants off the people we're sharing the earth with.   It could get really lonely, galloping around on your lofty perch or living out your years with nothing but your convictions keeping you company. If the horse is dead, bury it already. The most famous mime of all time said,
      It's good to shut up sometimes.---Marcel Marceau

Friday, September 9, 2016

Hanging on to Happy

I suppose that I write often about finding your happy place.  The world these days (and truthfully throughout time) is a beautiful but sometimes sad and horrid place. I read a quote that I like, Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace during the storm.
This is true, the storms will come.  Life is unpredictable and complicated, even for those that you might think have a perfect life.   I greatly respect those that have their faith and find comfort in "putting things in their God's hands".  For me, life taught me very early on that I was going to need to take care of myself.  I'm not good at trusting in someone else to fix my problems or soothe my heart. I do constantly strive to keep things in balance. 
I doubt that very many human beings are immune to feeling deeply sad or outraged at life's cruel unfairness or just plan tired and weary.  Whether on a close and personal level or as a part of mankind, the sad is very persistant in trying to rob us of our happiness. So, how do you hang on to happiness? 
Unfortunately, there is no magic cure. Even a caring diety wouldn't always give you the answer that you want to your problems.  Life is not a big whole, it's pieces---thousands of parts of all sizes and importance, stacked and piled and strung out. You have the choice of how you organize those pieces. When some are broken, or you've worn them out or they just don't seem to fit, YOU have to decide what is to be done with that piece of your life.  Maybe it can be fixed or perhaps you need to find a new piece.  If something is particularly painful or worrisome, it might not can be thrown out, but it can be pushed down or away.  Make it smaller or more distant, don't carry it around on your heart until all the good and valuable parts of your life are diminished and darkened by the bad and sad.
This isn't a Pollyanna---just get over it and accept point of view. This is reality.  We are small in the overall scheme of things. I have a friend that I recently told how much I appreciated that on social media, etc. she posts beautiful pictures of nature, sweet animals and mostly positive sharing. I've found that even when I'm having a bad day, I can't help but feel joy when I see those good things.
It sometimes is just a very small piece that you can share and sometimes you could give every piece that you possess and it would make no difference. You can hang on to happy, but it often means letting go of other things. You are not solely responsible for the well being of every person in your family or the world. You are responsible for your own happiness.